Online Offering Through Paypal

Using Non-Indian Credit/Debit cards only

Greetings Brothers and Sisters,

I am happy to introduce this new online offering system which enable believers outside India to offer the Tithe and offerings easily and securely. The payment is processed through Paypal which is known world wide as a safe and secure system. I am introducing this system as many abroad believers and faith tv followers have asked for it. As clearly mentioned above this system is only for abroad believers. Indian credit/debit cards will not be accepted in this system.

If you face any problems using this system, kindly contact me.

Praise God
Pastor S. Visuvasam

Your desired offering:  USD

For Prayer and Counseling call +91 - 7667552299
We are eager to hear from you & Pray with you! Please feel free to reach out to us and send us prayer requests you may have and we will pray for you. If you would like to speak to us reach us.
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